Code of Conduct for AfAS-2025 Conference

The African Astronomical Society (AfAS) Conference and General Assembly 2025 is a space for open, respectful, and inclusive discussions among professionals, researchers, students, educators, and policymakers. By participating in any conference-related activities, including workshops, hackathons, side meetings, or social events, all attendees agree to abide by this Code of Conduct.

1. Professional Conduct & Inclusivity

  • All interactions should be conducted with consideration and respect, ensuring a welcoming and inclusive environment for all.
  • Discrimination, harassment, or exclusion based on age, cultural background, disability, ethnicity, gender identity, marital status, nationality, physical appearance, political affiliation, pregnancy, race, religion, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, or caregiver status is strictly prohibited.
  • Constructive scientific debate is encouraged; however, critique should be directed at ideas, not individuals.

2. Zero Tolerance for Harassment

  • Harassment in any form—including verbal, non-verbal, physical, or sexual harassment—is not tolerated.
  • Inappropriate physical contact, sexual advances, deliberate intimidation, or offensive remarks will result in immediate action.
  • Participants should be mindful of power dynamics, ensuring professional and respectful interactions at all times.

3. Responsible Communication & Social Media

  • Communication should remain professional, avoiding offensive language, sexualized imagery, or inappropriate jokes.
  • Do not disrupt sessions, engage in stalking, or invade others’ privacy.
  • Attendees are encouraged to be considerate when taking photographs or sharing content from presentations on social media, respecting the preferences of speakers and fellow attendees.

4. Session and Event Conduct

  • Session Chairs have authority during sessions; speakers must adhere to allocated time limits.
  • Questions and discussions should be conducted professionally and politely.
  • Disruptive behavior may result in removal from the event at the discretion of the organizers.

5. Reporting & Enforcement

  • Violations of the Code of Conduct can be reported to the Local Organizing Committee (LOC) or designated AfAS representatives.
  • If a violation is confirmed, the offender may be removed from the conference and further participation may be restricted.
  • Appeals can be submitted, but the final decision rests with the LOC and relevant AfAS leadership.

6. Commitment to Best Practices

  • All participants must uphold ethical and professional standards, ensuring a respectful and productive conference for all.
  • Workshops, hackathons, and side meetings are integral to the event and are subject to the same Code of Conduct.

By attending AfAS-2025, you commit to upholding these standards to foster an inclusive, collaborative, and professional environment in support of African Astronomy.

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